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Honey Bee SWARMS 6ft & below are removed 4 FREE
Hawai'i & San Diego

Help Save The Honey Bees!
Please Donate!

!PLEASE DON'T Exterminate! It's Bad KARMA..

This is an example of a FREE Bee SWARM removal.
Must be reachable 6ft & below. The bee box cost me $150.00.
I donate my time for free. Please help me by my making a
donation for the cost of the new bee box that will bee there.
new home.
This is an ESTABLISHED BEEHIVE underneath the flooring.
This took my mentor and I four hours to remove and cost
$150.00 for the new bee box that will bee there new home.
It can sometimes take up to 8 hrs to remove the bee's.
Please don't ask me to work for free.
Sacred BVT - Bee Venom Therapy
I offer to teach you how to self sting. All Bee are provided
Come to my location first 2 visits are free. Each session takes 1 hr.
Come to my location after 2 free visits - $35 per hr
I come to your location 1 hr sessions $50.00 per hr
Before your first treatment. You must advise with your doctor and obtain an EpiPen prescription. Get two of them. With insurance they cost about $15.00 each.
You will need this prior to your first BVT session..
These are some of the initial side effects that will get better throughout your Therapy.
* Fever/Nausea- Use the usual fever reducers
* Swelling - Antihistamine Benadryl etc...
Bee Venom Therapy can be extremely beneficial for many health problems. It's been used before western medicine was ever developed. It's not for everyone. As some are deathly allergic.
If you are deathly allergic. I recommend you go to an allergy doctor and get Bee Venom Therapy to prevent this allergy. It's a great intervention that could save your life. You do not want to bee that person who died because you did not know you where deathly allergic or you did not have your epipen available.
I highly recommend to try BVT before you you resource to surgery that could cripple you for life or medicine with the many permanent side effects. You will bee in awe what mother nature can do.
Your first treatments..your body will swell up. It will become itchy and sensitive to touch.
As your body build it's immune system and becomes familiar to Bee Venom your body will begin to not react as before. And the swelling will subside a great deal.
This treatment is recommended for as long as you need. However the healing results can be in a few minutes to a few months and some may take a year.
Everyone's bodies respond to therapy differently and the results will vary.
I recommend you go to & do all the research possible on Bee Venom Therapy.
Here are some of my favorite links - Just copy paste any of the below links into your browser:
Movies & Documentries
Bee Movie
The Goop Lab
Down To Earth
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